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Espresso Machine
Coffee Beans Fresh Quality Coffee
Filtered Water Use good quality water taste of your espresso and protect your machine
Cloth for Portafilter and Steamwand

How To Make A Perfect Espresso Shot Using Espresso Machine

5 steps how to make perfect espresso

  • 15-30 minutes
  • Serves 1
  • Medium


  • Equipments



Making a perfect espresso is difficult. It requires good practice and experiment with grinds, dose, tamp and others equipment along with Espresso Machine, best quality coffee beans. All machines and all people taste are different, so you have to play with your recipes.

Here are 5 steps how to make great espresso using Espresso Machine.



Clean Portafilter and Preheat

1. Wipe the portafilter with a clean dry cloth.

2. Before you begin preheat your machine, portafilter and cup by pulling a BLANK SHOT, which means running water through the portafilter and cup without using espresso. Depending on your espresso machine, it may take 15-30 minutes to heat up. It helps to make sure that you get an even shot temperature.


Grind Coffee Beans

You'll need to grind fresh coffee beans yourself before brewing, if you really want a fresh taste. If you're a daily coffee drinker, grind new beans every morning for the best experience. The grind texture is an important aspect of shot quality.

Too fine a grind will cause a slow, over-extracted shot, so that the espresso will taste burnt and bitter.

Too coarse a grind, though, the water will move through the beans too fast, will result in an under-extracted shot that is weak, watery and tastes sour.

The ideal grind texture is something similar to that of granulated sugar.



Dose [the amount of coffee you will need] the coffee grounds into the portafilter to make espresso shot. Use 8-10 grams for a SINGLE SHOT, or 14-18 grams for a DOUBLE SHOT. The exact measurements depend on your machine, so double check before you dose.


Level the Dose and Tamp It Evenly

Tamping compresses the grounds to encourage the pressurized water to flow through the espresso properly when the shot is pulled. Good tamping is imperative for full flavor and proper brew time.

First, place the portafilter so its base is on a flat, stable surface.

The proper tamp method is to hold your elbow at 90 degrees, rest your portafilter on a level surface and then apply pressure [30 to 40 pounds] until the coffee has an even, polished look. Use a scale to get an idea of how much pressure this is.

Release the pressure, and then tamp again. Coarser grounds will require a firmer tamp than finer grounds.

Flush the group head.



Attach the portafilter into your machine’s brew head and immediately start the brewing. Place the cups below the portafilter spouts.

The ideal shot is deep brown, not black or blonde. If the dose, grind and tamp are ideal, the first part of the brew should be be dark before it turns to a golden brown or foamy mixture that flows into the cup in a thin stream.

The volume of water for each shot should be 1 ounce (oz), two (2 oz.) for a double shot. Once you've reached the right level, check your timer.

Extraction should take around 23 - 29 seconds. However, the ideal extraction time is controversial.



1. If the shot come out too quickly - Your tamp isn't firm enough. Next time, make sure you press even harder before you brew.

2. If brew taking too long - You might have ground your coffee too long, creating a very fine texture.

3. All machines and all people taste are different, so practice and experiment with grinds, dose, tamp and others equipments.


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