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Adjust Servings:
Ice Cube
Cocoa Powder
Whipped Cream
Fruit juice

The Best Iced Coffee Recipes for Summer

  • 10-15 m
  • Serves 1
  • Medium




If you’re looking for a refreshing treat this summer, why not make some delicious iced coffee?

Iced coffee is a great way to cool off while enjoying your favourite coffee’s wonderful flavour.

Whether you like it light and sweet or strong and creamy, there’s an iced coffee recipe out there that can satisfy your cravings.

From classic cold brews to fruity twists and Vietnamese-style coffee, here are some of the best-iced coffee recipes for summer that you can make at home.




Cold Brew Iced Coffee

Cold brewing is a great way to get an extra smooth and flavorful cup of iced coffee. To cold brew at home, simply mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds with one cup of water and let it steep for at least twelve hours.

Once the brew is ready, simply pour it over ice, add a few drops of your favourite flavourings, and you've got a delicious iced coffee.


Iced Vanilla Latte

A vanilla latte is a classic favorite that's perfect for summer.

To make an iced version, start with two shots of espresso and add one tablespoon of vanilla syrup. Then pour the mixture over ice and top it off with your favorite dairy or non-dairy milk.

You can also add a few pumps of whipped cream and sprinkle on some cinnamon or cocoa powder for an extra special touch.


Vietnamese Iced Coffee

This unique iced coffee is a favorite in Vietnam and is made with sweetened condensed milk. To make this recipe, start by adding two tablespoons of ground coffee to a French press.

Then add two cups of boiling water and steep for four minutes before pushing the plunger down. Pour the coffee into a cup and stir in two tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk.

Finally, pour the mixture over ice and enjoy!


Fruity Iced Coffee

For a fun twist on your iced coffee, why not try adding some fruit? Start by brewing a regular cup of cold brew or espresso double shot.

Then add one tablespoon of sugar before pouring it over ice.

Finally, add a splash of your favorite fruit juice and stir in one tablespoon of chopped fresh fruit.



No matter what kind of iced coffee you're in the mood for, these recipes are sure to hit the spot this summer.

Give them a try and enjoy all their deliciousness without ever having to leave your house! Iced coffee is an easy way to cool off and get your caffeine fix at the same time.


Ron Dulce Hot Alcoholic Coffee
Ron Dulce Hot Alcoholic Coffee
How to Make Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Ron Dulce Hot Alcoholic Coffee
How to Make Cold Brew Coffee at Home
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