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  • How to Make Perfect Cup of Kopi Luwak Coffee / Civet Coffee
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Adjust Servings:
15-20 grams Luwak Coffee
250 ml Water Use Filtered Water, Temperature 205°F/96° C
Coffee Paper Filter

How to Make Perfect Cup of Kopi Luwak Coffee / Civet Coffee

Luwak Coffee Pour Over or Manual Drip Brewing Process

  • 5 m
  • Serves 1
  • Easy




Kopi luwak is the world’s most expensive coffee. Kopi luwak is produced mainly on the Indonesian islands. In North America, it’s often called civet coffee. Kopi luwak is also called cat poop coffee or civet cat coffee.

To make manual drip or pour over prefect luwak coffee, water flows over the coffee grounds and allows the coffee to drip through, extracting oils from the grounds as they pass.



1. Boil a kettle on high heat. Use filtered water if you have got it. Water heated to 205° F / 96° C, plus or minus a few degrees, is considered the standard benchmark. Water not heated as high is less efficient and heated higher extracts bitter flavors.

2. If your beans need grinding, now is the time to do this to ensure maximum freshness. Weigh the whole beans and grind medium-fine. Do not grind too fine. For Pour Over coffee it is best to grind the beans to the consistency of kosher table salt.

3. Remove the boiling water from the heat and let it stand for few seconds (40-60 Seconds) or until the water stops bubbling.


1. Before you begin, preset the paper filter, fold the filter in half, and set it in the basket. Place the double fold over the runnel (the channel on the brewer).

2. Use a little water to rinse the filter and preheat the contraption, and then discard this water to remove any paper taste from the filter.

3. Add the grounds to the filter. Shake shake lightly to smooth / settle the grounds, but never pack them. allowing around 15-20 grams of ground bean to make 8 ounces / 237 ml of fluid coffee.


Watering time

1. Slowly pour the water over the grounds, start at the center of the ground coffee and move the stream of water in an outward, circular motion.

2. Stop when the ground coffee is saturated with water but no coffee is dripping through yet. For better flavor extraction, Use just enough water to cover the grounds. Stir once or twice and wait for 15 seconds

3. Pour water in a slow, even spiral, adding water every 10 – 15 seconds for an even extraction.

4. Repeat until all the Kopi Luwak coffee is brewed. Wait around three minutes once you have finished pouring water


4. Removed the paper filter and discard.

5. Enjoy your Perfect Kopi Luwak.

In order to enjoy the unique quality flavor of Luwak Coffee, sugar, milk or cream should not be added.


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